Running the model

Running the model, requires also to set-up a CatMAP mkm file and txt file containing all energies, see for details. Having created the CatINT input file and the CatMAP files co2r.mkm and co2r.txt, we can simply run CatINT via


This will create a new folder preceding the name given in the definition of the transport instance and write all output files into this folder.


Contains subfolders desc_? for each descriptor value. This folder contains all input files and model definitions (also given in terms of free energy diagrams).


Contains subfolders desc_? for each descriptor value. This folder contains all output files of CatMAP, as coverages cov_[species].tsv, reaction rates j_[species].tsv, elementary step reaction rates jelem_?.tsv and degree of rate control rc_[product]_[species].tsv


The folders comsol_results_id000_[index of descriptor 1]_[index of descriptor 2] contain all COMSOL results for a specific descriptor pair (In our case only a single descriptor, the potential, is used). The results outputted by COMSOL are defined in the transport.comsol_args['outputs'] dictionary. The default outputs that are always generated are:


These refer to species concentrations, electrostatics (potential and electric field), electrode fluxes and the charge density. Usually these outputs are enough, but if more are needed they can be easily asked for using the comsol_args['outputs'] key in the CatINT input file and extending the catint/ if needed for the required output.

The folder also contains the compile and run log files for debugging purposes as well as copies of the COMSOL input file (mph file) and .java input and compiled class .class file used for the particular calculations. Backups of the .java files with timestamps for debugging purpose are also saved in the results folder.

Convergence problems

Convergence problems can happen in particular at high potentials. We found that the reason is often the very small CO2 concentration at the electrode which results in negative CO2 concentrations due to numerical issues. CatINT tries to solve this issue by disregarding the CatINT-COMSOL iteration step and using the previous CO2 concentration (but all updated species fluxes and surface concentrations). This mostly helps, but can also fail at higher potentials. Other possibilites of influencing convergence are a change of the grid_factor if COMSOL has problems converging. A number of default steps are implemented in CatINT to try to get convergence, sometimes it even helps to restart the same COMSOL calculation due to slight numerical differences. If all does not help, CatINT stops and raises and error message. If that is the case, we suggest to also try a finer potential descriptor range. The latter is important, since CatINT initializes the next descriptor step with the species surface concentrations of the previous step which yields a better initialization and avoid very bad first iteration steps which can break the convergence. Also the use of solver sequences might be possible to increase convergence.